Dean of the School


امیر صابر

  Dr. Amir Saber

  Associate Professor of Nutrition



  • Supervising the implementation of legislation that are notified through the dean of university and pave the way for development of academic talent
  •  To coordinate educational and research, administrative, financial and cultural activities of college or university
  •  Supervising the implementation of educational and research tasks of the faculty members of the Faculty of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology
  •  Evaluation and coordination of all activities of the faculty subordinate units 
  •  The annual budget suggestion of the Faculty of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology 
  •  Supervising the performance of Educational and Research Council of the faculty 
  •  Evaluation of annual performance of the faculty and reporting to the chancellor of university
  • The capability survey of the head of departments and comments about them


Address: Isar Sq., next to Farabi Education and Treatment Center, Faculty of Nutritional Sciences and Food Technology, Kermanshah, Iran.

Tel: + 98 83 37102001

MOB: + 98 9143322602

Fax: + (98-83) 37102002

 Postal Code: 6719851552

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